Students and Instructors from WXIT Win Awards in Siemens Excellent Application Competition

September 4, Vice President Professor GU Jing lead a delegation of five students and instructors to Shanghai for a Award Ceremony of Siemens Excellent Application Competition held by the Siemens. WXIT has achieved Award of Education and Organization and shares the experiences with other participants. Mr. Liang Naiming, CEO of Great China of Siemens PLM Software speaks highly of the works made by our instructors and students and awards medals in person.

This competition lasts about six months and gets more than 300 works. WXIT and over ten universities and companies participate the competition. After strict evaluation, the works by the students of CHEN Gang, YUAN Bo, etc. with the guidance of GUO Xiaorong, LI Kun, etc. All of them have received Intermediate Engineer Certificate accredited by Siemens PLM Software.

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